Fortifying FSNYC Foundations image

Fortifying FSNYC Foundations

$4,630 raised

$5,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Thank you for supporting Farm School NYC’s 2023 End of year giving campaign!

Our Fortifying FSNYC Foundations campaign illustrates how our collective power can be strengthened through community contributions. At FSNYC, we've been diving into the world of collective leadership and decision-making, and we're eager to call on our community to help strengthen the foundations that sustain our work.

Here are a few reasons why this work matters:

  • NYC is an ecosystem we can nurture and learn from. Our students see the impacts of climate change, and are equipped to share and implement the BIPOC growing practices and knowledges we uplift in our classrooms far and wide. Our Training of Trainers model helps our students share and act on important information to improve their communities.
  • Many of our community members have started remarkable projects including: expanding urban agriculture, innovating green education, finding pathways for food distribution, exploring various land access models, and more. We are proud to be in community with folks fighting for a food system that centers justice, and we are honored to continue cultivating a container that brings passionate people together to generate these solutions.

Our board members committed to raising $2,000 toward our collective goal. Now, we're turning to you, our community, to help us with the remaining $3,000. Farm School NYC has changed both lives and communities across NYC. Your support is vital—it helps us sustain our programming, cultivate containers for creativity and community between BIPOC land stewards, and increase our overall organizational capacity. We sincerely appreciate your support and commitment to continuing this work with us.